The initial Transport Market Study (TMS), was carried out according to art. 9 of the EU Regulation 913/2010 and analysed the freight transport market in the geographical area crossed by Baltic-Adriatic lines. Both historical and forecast figures were provided. It assessed the impact of the introduction of the RFC on the rail freight transport market share and waas used as the basis for the establishment of the RFC. An Executive Summary can be downloaded here.
In 2020, the TMS was updated with the support of the consultant Tplan Consulting. The aims of the update were to analyze the current situation of freight traffic volumes and to provide an updated knowledge base and recommendations for the development of the rail freight market along the he RFC. An Executive Summary can be downloaded here
In 2020, Baltic Adriatic RFC launched a large its Capacity Study, co-funded by the European Union under the Program Support Action 2016 (PSA). The Study aimed at the optimization of the capacity offer, taking into account all elements, which influence the use and availability of railway capacity. This activity is meant as an innovative pilot focusing on the development of a methodology for simulating different scenarios.
The study was assigned, after a regular procurement procedure held in 2020, to a Temporary Joint Venture, composed by Hacon lngenieurgesellschaft mbH and TPLan Consulting Srl.The study was finally delivered in June 2021.
A public version of the an Executive Summary of the report is stored in the Customer Information Platform available for downloading. The complete Report can be provided under request
The Last Mile Study focuses on the identification of the main infrastructure obstacles at the interface, between handover stations and terminals, and assessment of the basic problems and the infrastructure investments needs.
The study was performed for three selected terminals (Porto di Venezia, Güterzentrum Wien Süd, Port Gdynia) representing the main types of largest terminals, existing on the lines of Baltic-Adriatic corridor, with the idea of inferring general problems and needs of terminals. An Executive Summary can be downloaded here.
The Long Train Study addresses the maximum train length available on the Baltic-Adriatic lines, in three time scenarios within a standard timetable and without special permissions, based on the evolution of infrastructure parameters. In addition, it provides a practical application of the run of longer trains than permitted by the current infrastructure thanks to adoption of operational solutions, which led to the offer of ExtraLong Train PaPs. An Executive Summary can downloaded here.