Performance & Reporting

Baltic-Adriatic RFC considers the monitoring and evaluation of its performance as a key factor for the success of the corridor idea, that this why the performance monitoring is carried out from different points of view:

Train performance management (TPM)

The punctuality of the trains is important both for the corridor and for the customers. Corridor Baltic – Adriatic RFC in cooperation with RNE by usage of the RNE IT Tool TIS is able to have accurate information about punctuality of the train along its route. Corridor Baltic Adriatic publishes monthly TPM reports that can be dowloaded here: Train performance reports

User satisfaction survey

Among others, the corridor pays attention to the voices of the customer. Every year, the customers have an opportunity to express their satisfaction with corridor Baltic – Adriatic RFC services by participating in the User satisfaction survey. Results of the surveys are regularly published and the latest one can be found here: User Satisfaction Survey

An archive of the previous USS can be found in CIP

Key Peformance Indicators

In order to monitor the performance of the Corridor the Baltic-Adriatic RFC has adopeted two sets of Key Performance Indicators:

  • Common RFCs KPIs, which are available on the RNE website
  • Specific Baltic-Adriatic RFC KPIs, that are currently displayed in the Annual Report.

Yearly summaries of the KPIs monitored by Baltic-Adriatic RFC, including abstracts from the Annual Report, can be downloaded here